Photovoltaic Coverage

Roofs that generate energy

The installation of solar panels on your roof guarantees you access to clean energy, a reduction in your energy bill, and greater independence from the electric grid.

Designing the best solution

Hedging is usually the best option when space is available. There are several steps that our team takes into consideration, such as:

  • The orientation of the hedge in order to obtain the best production ratios.
  • Evaluation of the structure, to support the weight of the system.
  • System design, which encompasses the type of panels, the inclination, orientation, and connections required.

The entire project is carried out by qualified professionals, who follow the appropriate safety standards.

Installing solar production on your roof adds value to your property in terms of real estate markets.

6 reasons to produce your own energy

Reduction of the energy bill
Reduction of energy consumption of the network
Production of clean and renewable energy for self-consumption
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Adding value to your real estate assets
Helexia can carry out all the investment required for the project

Choosing Helexia

Helexia combines Economics and Ecology to make the energy transition an opportunity for sustainable development of companies. We know that good decarbonization and energy transition strategies are a competitive advantage in the way companies operate and position themselves in the market.

We have proven experience and are present in various sectors with decentralized energy projects with drastic reduction of operational costs and environmental impact of the business

In most projects we include financing, sharing the risk. We want companies to focus on their core business, while optimizing their energy consumption.

Photovoltaic Roof Projects

Overview, integrated approach

At Helexia we develop turnkey projects that integrate financial and technical analysis, legal structuring, finance, project creation and management throughout its life cycle.

Your company can be part of the energy transition, without having to divert investment from your CORE activity.

Helexia wants to be the long-term partner for the energy transition and decarbonization of your business.

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Pronto para Descarbonizar?

A solução está aqui.

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