At Helexia we recognize our responsibility to our employees, contractors and client to provide them with a safe and healthful work environment.
Therefore, the Executive Committee members are committed to seek the continuous improvement of the Health & Safety conditions and Environmental protection within Helexia Group, defining and taking decisions ensuring:
- That the relevant Health & Safety conditions, the protection of the employees and the preservation of the environment are systematically taken into consideration in all geographies where the company operates.
- The compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations and standards regarding Health & Safety and Environment.
- The implementation and maintenance of a performing Health & Safety Management System, putting all means to prevent accidents and diseases, eliminating hazards and reducing risks
- The mitigation of the impacts of its activities in the Environment, promoting the rational use of natural resources, prevention of pollution and support for the development of renewable energies
- The training of its employees in safe work practices and procedures, ensuring that their knowledges and skills are appropriate to their responsibilities and to the activities they perform, and ensuring that they properly use the adequate Personal Protective Equipment
- The participation and strong involvement of each employee in the company's HSE Management System, ensuring regular communication about the monitoring and related actions involving Helexia, its stakeholders, suppliers and service providers.
In line with these Policy principles and commitments, periodically objectives and targets will be defined, monitored and disclosed for the relevant functions and levels within the organization.
See the full document here.