Efficient Lighting
More efficient lighting has a longer life span and can save up to 65% energy. Lighting can account on average for about 25% of your facility's electrical consumption.
Commercial buildings, office buildings, or factories have a larger area of total lighted space than any other type of building, and the installation of more efficient equipment presents a significant reduction in energy consumption.
The importance of lighting your teams and productivity
In parallel, efficient lighting contributes to greater productivity and safety. Statistics show that teams are more productive in well-lit environments.
Well-lit areas offer greater visibility and are safer for employees and customers, reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries in the workplace.
5 reasons to invest in energy-efficient lighting
Choosing Helexia
We believe that companies can make more conscious use of energy, reducing costs and having less impact on the planet. Companies that are energy efficient can improve indoor air quality, reduce noise pollution, and provide more comfortable working and living environments.
At Helexia we know that energy efficiency is a critical component of decarbonization. When we optimize the amount of energy required to produce a given good or service, we are being more efficient, reducing costs and impacts on the planet. This can be further amplified by the use of clean energy in the process.
Helexia can support with the establishment of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) we improve your energy performance with the implementation of energy efficiency measures, which are financed through the savings generated. There is no need for investment on your part.
Efficient Lighting Projects
DPD in Guarda becomes 68% more efficient in lighting
Tratolixo invests in relighting the exterior of Abrunheira Ecopark
DPD in Alfena 38% more efficient in lighting
Helexia wants to be the long-term partner for the energy transition and decarbonization of your business.