Relighting in 3 Leroy Merlin stores with 36% savings

Energy Efficiency Customer Leroy Merlin Services Efficient Lighting Sector Retail
leroy merlin store with relighting
Energy reduction (%)
Annual savings (€)
CO2 avoided (ton/year)
990 ton

Reducing energy consumption through energy efficiency measures is today an important action to reduce costs in companies and boost their competitiveness.

Relighting in 3 stores

Leroy Merlin was supported by Helexia in the management and implementation of an efficient lighting project in three of its stores: Coimbra, Maia and Matosinhos. The execution of this relighting project corresponded to a 36% decrease in consumption and a significant reduction in maintenance costs for lighting equipment.

In this way, Leroy Merlin will avoid around 990 tons of CO2 each year and enjoy annual savings of over 95,000 euros.


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Direct savings in energy consumption
Reduction of maintenance expenses for lighting equipment related to the durability of the equipment
Reduction of the heat emitted by lighting equipment, since in LED technology only 10% of the energy is converted into heat, as opposed to other lighting technologies, which usually exceed 50%.
Gains in the functional comfort of the facility and improvements in light quality due to increased luminous flux
Contribution to environmental improvement

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From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

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