Photovoltaic at Plasgal: clean energy at the factory

aerial view of plasgal with helexia solar panels
Annual Production
1132 MWh
CO2 avoided
532 ton
Total Power
744 kWp
Trees planted
13 600 pcs
Annual energy consumption
226 families

Part of the energy consumed comes from clean energy generated by the photovoltaic plant installed on the roof of the Plasgal factory on a self-consumption basis. The photovoltaic plant on the roof, with a power of 744 kWp and an estimated annual production of 1123 MWh, avoids the emission of 505 ton CO2/year, contributing to the reduction of the carbon footprint.
The weight of energy costs is 5.4% in the company's cost structure, with 23% of its energy needs being met by the photovoltaic plant.

Get to know this project better

From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

Helexia investment in solar self-consumption

The solar self-consumption allows lowering the energy bill, preparing the company to be more competitive and protecting it from the variations of the energy cost price in the market. Helexia's investment of about 1 M€ allows Plasgal to enjoy clean, renewable energy without diverting capital from its core business. It is the combination of economy and ecology.

Plasgal's environmental and social sustainability

One of Plasgal's concerns is to continuously implement a circular economy, with recycling and reuse of internal production waste. The products produced are used in different sectors, such as the pharmaceutical industry, automotive, agriculture, hospitals, food industry, among others.

During the Pandemic, Plasgal adapted its unit for the production of medical supplies and protective equipment to fight the Covid19 pandemic. It produced daily about 10 thousand individual protection kits and although it is not a manufacturing company, it designed and produced a coat composed of arm, leg, foot and hand protections, using low density polyethylene, in order to have flexible equipment for people to move around, resistant and waterproof.
This demonstrates the adaptive capacity of the company, as well as the social concern - the municipality of Leiria was only charged for the cost of processing material.

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