2 charging stations in Tagus Parque at the ISQ buildings

Electric Mobility Client ISQ Services Electric Mobility Sector Industry
No. of sockets
22 and 50 kW

In partnership with Helexia, ISQ provides public charging for electric vehicles in two of its buildings in Tagus Park, Oeiras.

In the headquarters building, a normal charging station (AC) was placed with 2 sockets of 22 kW, which allows two electric vehicles to be charged simultaneously. In the training building, a fast charging station with a 50 kW DC socket and a 43 kW AC socket was installed.

Installing charging stations for electric vehicles with Helexia has the advantage of having a turnkey project, where all investment, installation and operation of the charging stations is Helexia's responsibility.

When you install charging stations, your business is automatically on the electric mobility map, with lots of visibility from customers.

The issue of clean energy and sustainable development is at the core of ISQ's concerns. For this reason, it has been reinforcing its fleet of electric vehicles.

These projects are part of ISQ's strategy for sustainable and "green" growth already started before, both in terms of internal know-how and the provision of services in the field of sustainability, promotion and adoption of Renewable Energies.

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Pedro Matias
President ISQ ISQ

We like to work with partners that have a strategic vision, that have ambition, that are committed to innovation and that understand, on the other side, what the client also wants, namely from the point of view of operation effectiveness, of payback of the investment made, of profitability... And this is what we have found with Helexia.

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