
A sustainable development path has to pass through a solid productive base rooted in industry. There is a strong link between industrial production, technological development, innovation and skilled employment. Industry is the main link in the integration of the Portuguese economy into the world economy, and is essential to ensure the development we all desire.

The challenges facing industry, both in terms of technological and digital transformation and environmental sustainability, are very particular to all industrial sectors. Globally, industry is the largest consumer of energy - consumption exceeds more than the transportation, residential and commercial sectors combined.

The use of solar energy as an energy production technology can bring economic and CO2 reduction benefits. In addition, implementing an energy management system will improve energy efficiency.

We believe in the energy transition as a way to promote the competitiveness and sustainability of your business, combining economy and ecology.

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Industry sector projects

If your business faces the challenge of decarbonization and self-consumption

We are ready to be your partner, from consulting to investment.

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