Bomporto Vintage does water audit with Helexia

Audits and Certifications Client Bomporto Hotels Services Water Auditing Sector Tourism

With Helexia, the Vintage Bomporto hotel complex decided to perform a water audit to identify possible inefficiencies in water consumption and to point out, in a report, guidelines for improvement. All with the greatest possible efficiency of the enterprise in mind.

The process began by gathering all the documents that defined the scope of the audit and its execution. This was followed by a technical visit to analyze the activities and processes related to water use in the hotel. From the toilets to the pool, from the laundry room to the kitchen, passing through the spa, water consumption was characterized and the report pointed out 7 improvements to be applied, as well as the investment required to implement them.

It is estimated that with this investment we will obtain a total saving in the water bill of about 1200€/year and a return on investment in 4 years.

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Nicolas Rouco
General Manager Bomporto Hotels

Energy represents 5% of the cost structure of a hotel. By having a sustainable energy management plan, we can reduce our consumption, but also our carbon footprint and therefore we are able to offer our customers more in services through these savings. Moreover, a large part of our customers do regard Sustainable practices.

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From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

The Bomporto Vintage Hotel since the rehabilitation of the building is designed to be sustainable. The materials chosen for the reconstruction were chosen to be as natural as possible and designed to use the building's natural energy in a natural way. In addition to this the hotel values having both guests and staff informed about best practices.

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