Solar self-consumption at Primus Ceramics

Annual Production
695 MWh
CO2 avoided
327 ton
Total Power
521 kWp
Trees planted
8400 pieces
Annual energy consumption
139 families

Through the installation of 1628 photovoltaic solar panels, the plant installed at Primus Ceramics has the capacity to produce 695 MWh of energy per year. Of all the energy produced by the plant, around 89% is self-consumed and the rest is injected into the grid.

Paulo Almeida says that this project has made a "decisive contribution to improving the environment", avoiding the emission of 327 tons per year, equivalent to the energy consumption of 139 households.

Get to know this project better

Paulo Almeida
Advisor to the Board of Directors Primus Ceramics

The main advantage of our partnership with Helexia is in fact that we can centralize the allocation of our resources to the business. This is the only way we can anticipate gains while becoming more environmentally friendly.

From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

Helexia Financing

Primus Ceramics has been adopting the latest technologies to reduce its ecological footprint and cut its energy bills. One of the measures taken was the installation of a photovoltaic solar plant on the roof of its factory, in partnership with Helexia - which financed this project.

The main advantage of this partnership and Helexia's investment "is that we can centralize the allocation of our resources to the business.This is theonly way we can anticipate gains while becoming more environmentally friendly," said Paulo Almeida, Advisor to the Board of Directors of Primus Ceramics.

Photovoltaic roof

The opportunity to make the most of all the space in the building led to the plant being installed on the roof of the factory, bringing the advantage of "producing energy where it will be consumed and without using areas or spaces that could have another use (agricultural, industrial, economic, etc...). It's a space that Primus Ceramics has no other way of monetizing, so using it to produce renewable energy is a win-win situation combining economic and ecological advantages" - said Luis Pinho, Country Director of Helexia Portugal and Brazil.

Pronto para Descarbonizar?

A solução está aqui.

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