Charging for EVs at Balazar's Low Prices store

No. of sockets
1 DC
50 kW

Em Parceria com a Helexia já é possível carregar o veículo elétrico no supermercado Preços Baixos de Balazar.

A loja disponibiliza um carregador de 50 kW com carregamento CCS e ChaDemo, que permite aos clientes carregarem o seu veículo elétrico enquanto fazem comodamente as suas compras.

A Helexia foi a mpresa escolhida para implementar esta solução de mobilidade.

What are the advantages of having loading at a supermarket?

  1. Convenience: Supermarkets are generally located in easily accessible and convenient areas, making them ideal locations for Electric Vehicle charging stations. By providing charging stations in supermarkets, electric vehicle owners can charge their vehicles while shopping or grocery shopping, saving time and effort.
  2. Increased store traffic: The installation of EV charging stations will attract new customers. EV owners are more likely to visit a store that offers charging, which can result in increased sales and revenues for the supermarket.
  3. Increased customer loyalty: offering charging facilities for electric vehicle drivers can help supermarkets build customer loyalty.

From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

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