B Planet Barreiro bets on relighting and becomes 49% more efficient

Energy Efficiency Client B Planet Services Efficient Lighting Real Estate Real Estate
Photo B Planet

B Planet chose Helexia to implement a new, more efficient lighting system by replacing the old luminaires with LEDs. This project resulted in a 49% energy reduction in the lighting systems.

O projeto incidiu sobre a fase 1 e 3 do espaço comercial que tinham um consumo energético de 180 MWh/ano e reduziram para 94 MWh/ano com a tecnologia LED. Isto representa poupanças anuais de 15 000€/ano.

B Planet Barreiro bets on relighting and becomes 49% more efficient

The benefits are many: direct savings in energy consumption, reduced maintenance costs for lighting equipment and the longevity of the equipment. In addition, efficient lighting contributes directly to employee safety and indirectly to increased productivity.



Reduced energy consumption
Lower energy bills
Lower maintenance costs for lighting equipment
Longevity of lighting equipment
Increased employee productivity, safety and comfort
Reducing CO2 emissions

From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

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