Carport Solar ensures energy for Auchan Retail

Energy Production Client Auchan Retail Services Carport Solar Sector Retail
Annual Production
1 010 MWh
CO2 avoided
475 ton
Total Power
691 kWp
Trees planted
12 200
Annual energy consumption
202 families

With the installation of the new solar carport at Auchan Retail's headquarters in Paço de Arcos, we help the company pursue its sustainability and renewable energy consumption goals.

The carport, with a 99% self-consumption rate, ensures about 35% of the building's energy needs, and provides 6 charging points for electric cars, which can be used by clients and employees.

In this project we were involved from development to installation, and we also ensured the management and maintenance.

The financing model, also assured by Helexia, will reach break-even in 3 years, and the project will be fully paid for by the savings generated, allowing Auchan Retail to maintain its investment in its core business.

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As the solar carport is a functional structure, it reinforces the innovation and sustainability image of the Auchan brand
Adds value to real estate assets
It protects vehicles and people from the weather while producing clean energy.
Reduces energy bills and carbon footprint, with less CO2 emissions
Clara Costa
Brand and Transformation Director Auchan Retail

Helexia has emerged as a privileged partner that solves one of the big challenges for us, to have self-consumption and allows us to have a more sustainable building.

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From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

Carport Solar... shade, protection and energy

It happens in more and more companies, that the area allocated for parking is larger than the area of the building.

And in many buildings, the roofs are already occupied with other infrastructure that limits the full use of the areas.

If it is necessary to create shade and protection structures in the parking lot, why not combine the useful with the pleasant and create a solar carport?

Basically, the traditional awnings are now created with photovoltaic panels, which having an open exposure and no shadows, ensure good energy production rates all year round.

Electric Mobility

The future of cars will be electric and even with the good autonomies of the most recent models, the concept of charging has changed. We won't fill up at a gas station, but we will take advantage of stops to charge: at home, at work, while shopping.

And if this energy can be clean, renewable, and generated locally, without transportation costs, all the better.

Or to paraphrase the brand's slogan, it's good, sane, local energy.

In the case of Auchan, these shipments are ensured for all customers and employees

Energy in self-consumption

In addition to all the energy management measures that have helped to reduce and minimize the electrical consumption of the entire building, store included, we have already managed to ensure that on average, 35% of the energy needs are provided by the carport.

The potential for self-consumption can be further increased in the future with the planned installation of battery-based storage systems and the efficient management of current consumption:

. upgrading equipment to class A++

. installation of presence and luminosity sensors

. optimizing the use of the building to the new dynamics of the teams

Technical Specifications

The Carport with a power of 691 kWp and a self-consumption rate of 99%, ensures about 35% of the building's energy needs. This brings huge savings in the energy bill and contributes to avoid the emission of 454 tons of CO2, or the equivalent of planting 11700 trees annually.

2 fast charging stations with 50 kW DC outlets and 43 kW AC outlets. There is also a normal charging station (AC) with 2 sockets of 22 kW. In total it is possible to charge 6 electric cars simultaneously.

Auchan Retail and the Decarbonization of the Economy

This building reinforces the importance of Auchan Retail Portugal's role in sustainability, with the use of energy from clean and renewable sources.

And it won't be a unique project. After the headquarters in Paço de Arcos, which served as a pilot, the stores in Alverca, Santo Tirso, Famalicão, Lagoa, Sintra, Castelo Branco, Eiras and Maia also received their solar carports, representing at this moment an aggregate self-consumption of about 50%.

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