Neutroplast: Energy audit identifies energy efficiency measures

aerial view of neutroplast with helexia solar panels

The main objective of the energy audit to Neutroplast was the energy characterization of the factory facilities in Sobral de Monte Agraço, which comprise the production area, offices and energy systems, in order to determine possible energy savings in a perspective of energy efficiency and / or reduction of energy billing, which contribute to improving the energy performance of the facility and the reduction of its environmental impact, in relation to emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG).

During the energy audit, the main electricity consumption identified was related to the production and air conditioning equipment, and also to lighting and compressed air.

A auditoria permitiu identificar medidas de melhoria

A execução desta auditoria permitiu identificar situações de possível e desejável aumento da eficiência energética da instalação, nomeadamente, uma central fotovoltaica para autoconsumo, financiada pela Helexia através de um Contracto de Performance Energética.

This photovoltaic solar power plant with 630 panels, covered 12% of Neutroplast's energy needs, allowing a more sustainable production, by reducing its ecological footprint by 110 tons of CO2 annually, equivalent to planting 2800 trees per year.

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Conhecer o perfil energético
Redução de custos na fatura energética
Otimização dos diversos consumos
Continuous Improvement
João Redol
CEO Neutroplast

Top Service. The solution provided meets the goal of a cleaner planet, and for companies without the resources to prioritize this type of investment, it is clearly a win-win deal.

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From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

The Intensive Energy Consumption Management System (SGCIE)

This system foresees that Energy Intensive Consuming Companies (EICs), with energy consumption equal to or higher than 500 toe/year, carry out periodic energy audits and sign agreements to rationalize energy consumption with the objective of increasing the energy efficiency of the installations and reduce their environmental impacts.

Although Neutroplast does not meet the criteria of a CIE company, because its annual energy consumption is less than 500tep, it has chosen to voluntarily perform an energy audit in order to increase its energy efficiency.

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