All the sun's rays count

Once the solar plants have been installed, their management becomes a priority - by ensuring optimum monitoring and maintenance

photo of a blue sky with clouds reflected in a set of solar panels

Europe has been making rapid progress with energy policies and renewable energy projects to meet the decarbonization targets set by the European institutions. Photovoltaic solar energy is one of the fastest growing technologies and is recognized by companies as a huge opportunity that translates into economic and ecological benefits.

Once photovoltaic plants have been installed, their management becomes a priority - ensuring optimum monitoring and maintenance guarantees equipment availability and maximum clean energy production.

Through Helexia's experience, the company has launched a new Case Study on how strategic it is to develop and put into practice a rigorous monitoring, operation and maintenance plan for solar power plants, guaranteeing optimization, efficiency and safety. The combination of monitoring and maintenance of photovoltaic solar power plants makes it possible to obtain maximum performance and guarantees a long life cycle for the equipment. In this way, the company offers maximum clean energy without any worries for the customer.

Intelligent Management of Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants, a Helexia Case Study

In this Case Study, Helexia also discloses the main indicators of its projects in operation, such as the value of the savings generated (€) for its customers, the total energy produced (GWh) and the tons of CO2 avoided. It also reveals its total investment (€) in decentralized energy projects and other issues relating to photovoltaic systems. The company is also curious about its approach to extreme weather events and their possible impact on energy infrastructures.

The importance of monitoring and maintaining solar power plants

Monitoring consists of real-time remote monitoring of the status of the photovoltaic plant by a specialized team, available 24/7. The team's responsibility is to triage real problems, forwarding incidents and possible causes to the technical teams. Their work is supported by algorithms developed for each of the installations for which they are responsible.

Any deviation or drop in production can be detected in less than an hour. Rapid detection allows teams to react in good time so that the incident can be resolved promptly. This guarantees the correct operation of the plant and the achievement of excellent solar production ratios.

Maintenance is crucial for excellent system performance. Throughout the life cycle of solar power plants, it is necessary to plan preventive actions, keeping the plant available at all times.

Preventive maintenance is an action designed and carried out in accordance with the plans defined by the manufacturers, respecting the recommendations and requirements of legislation and good industry practice. It includes cleaning, thermographic inspection of all electrical equipment, checking tightness, among other tasks.

However, there may also be the need for corrective or extraordinary maintenance that can arise from extreme weather events, which through a rapid and coordinated response, equipment availability can be guaranteed.

Helexia has developed several case studies related to its energy transition and decarbonization projects and services. These include the benefits of Porcelanas Costa Verde's solar self-consumption in 5 yearsor sector analysis: energy as a competitiveness factor for exports. 

These Case Studies are useful to a wide audience, covering the various sectors of activity, from management and finance professionals to energy, maintenance and production managers. For Helexia, it is important to keep business professionals informed about decarbonization trends, innovations and technologies, through examples and concrete data from their activity.

Article by Ricardo Ataíde, Communication Specialist at Helexia, for Installer Magazine.

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