A quiet revolution of decarbonization of the economy is underway

Decarbonization has become an imperative and more and more companies are looking for solutions both for themselves and for the consumer. In an interview with DISTRIBUIÇÃO HOJE, Pedro Antão Alves,

decarbonizing the economy

Decarbonization has become an imperative and more and more companies are looking for solutions both for themselves and for the consumer. In an interview with DISTRIBUIÇÃO HOJE, Pedro Antão Alves, Sales Director at Helexia Portugal, tells us about the company's journey and recalls some of the projects they have developed in Portugal alongside retailers.

Over the last few years, retail has undergone some disruption in what we might consider the consumer experience. How have you seen this change at Helexia?

As Helexia provides solutions for renewable energy generation and energy management, the focus is on the operation of the establishment and not directly on the consumer experience. However, consumers are more sensitive to the price and environmental impact of their choices. And in this sense, Helexia's customers benefit from reduced energy costs and carbon footprint, and can address their customers' concerns.

Another very important concern is comfort, which can make a consumer stay longer or leave the place more quickly due to their perception of comfort, influenced by parameters such as temperature and humidity, but also by indoor air quality.

Do you think that today there is a new paradigm in which the customer's journey begins even before they entering the establishment?

Clearly! Particularly among the younger generations, Millennials and Gen Z, the customer's journey begins mostly in the digital world and eventually ends in a physical space. And choices of product, place of purchase or means of transportation are strongly influenced by environmental impact, particularly greenhouse gas emissions.

It is imperative to be able to inform consumers about the impact of their decisions. And once again, opting for renewable energy can positively influence the choice process.

decarbonizing the economy

How important is it to strengthen this experience, for example by offering in commercial spaces a place where you can charge an electric vehicle?

Today it's essential! It is estimated that there are more than 100,000 electric and hybrid vehicles in the vehicle fleet in circulation, which corresponds to around 1.5%.

Considering the national average, for every 1,000 visitors who travel by car, 15 would use a vehicle with the potential to use an electric charger.

In more densely populated regions, such as cities, this percentage will certainly be higher and many consumers will not be able to conveniently charge at home or on the public highway. There are currently solutions for charging an electric vehicle over 200 km in around 30 minutes, which allows consumers to make the most of the time spent at the store.

"It is imperative to be able to inform consumers of the impact of their decisions. And once again, opting for renewable energy can positively influence the choice process"

Pedro Alves, Sales Director Helexia Portugal

Decarbonizing the economy

On the other hand, there is also a growing concern with the issue of sustainability. How have Portuguese companies been reacting to this challenge?

Although it's a subject that doesn't capture the attention of the mass media, a silent revolution is underway to decarbonize the economy. If a few years ago the focus for installing a photovoltaic plant was the potential for savings, today the reduction of the carbon footprint is an equally important factor.

On the one hand, companies have set themselves decarbonization targets, as have the supply chains they are part of. On the other hand, there is an appetite among investors for projects with low greenhouse gas emissions.

In both the retail and industrial sectors, there is a great demand for decarbonization solutions.

With energy costs rising, with growing concerns about the carbon footprint, how have you helped retailers and producers improve their efficiency?

Helexia has contributed a range of technological and financial solutions, of which I would highlight:

  • The generation of decentralized renewable energy through photovoltaic plants installed on rooftops or parking lots;
  • The installation of electric vehicle chargers, both for its own fleet and for its customers;
  • Energy management through continuous monitoring and analysis, with the aim of identifying savings opportunities through the operation of consumer systems or investment in more efficient solutions.

For all solutions, Helexia can be an investor and the customer benefits from the savings from the first day of the contract. By the beginning of this year, the plants operated by Helexia in Portugal had produced 34 GWh of clean energy, which enabled its customers to save 1.1 million euros and avoid the emission of 16,000 tons of CO2.

It has been a path full of challenges, both global and local, but with very interesting results for Helexia and its clients. Specializing in clients in this sector has allowed us to address their concerns more consistently and carry out construction work more consistently and with less impact on daily operations.

Good professional relationships with some players have led to the development of innovative projects and an increase in Helexia's offer. More recently, changes in regulations have enabled projects that had been abandoned to become viable.

What can we expect of new projects for 2023?

2023 will continue to be a year of growth for energy companies in Portugal and the rest of Europe. Photovoltaic generation projects should account for the majority of turnover, but there will certainly be growth in energy management solutions, with the aim of rationalizing consumption.

The market for electric vehicle chargers should keep pace with the growth of the fleet in Portugal and it will be easier for users to find charging stations. Special attention will be paid to decarbonizing thermal energy, i.e. replacing gas consumption with green electricity consumption and replacing equipment with greenhouse gases.

"If a few years ago the focus for the installation of a photovoltaic plant was the savings potential, today the reduction of the carbon footprint is an equally important factor"

Pedro Alves, Sales Director Helexia Portugal

Do you feel that the sector is increasingly receptive to the need to improve its energy efficiency and at the same time be sensitive to customer needs?

Yes, clearly. One example of this movement is the importance of indoor air quality. Within the regulated parameters, increasing the fresh air in an establishment has increased energy costs.

Knowing that consumers are sensitive to comfort in order to stay in a space for longer, the continuous monitoring of pollutants in indoor air and its dynamic renewal make it possible to save energy spent on air treatment, without neglecting customer comfort.

To close, do you have any projects that you would highlight in terms of reducing costs and improving operations with a customer focus?

Helexia has very rich professional relationships with various clients and the opportunity to contribute to improving their operations and the relationship with their clients/consumers. I would highlight Leroy Merlin as a client where a diverse range of solutions have been implemented, such as photovoltaic generation of renewable electricity and electric mobility infrastructure, both of which are visible to users of the stores.

In addition, Helexia has provided other services related to energy management in various locations and support for certifications related to sustainability. The latter are less visible, but have made significant contributions to reducing costs and the carbon footprint.

"The market for electric vehicle chargers should keep pace with the growth of the fleet in Portugal and it will be easier for users to find charging stations"

Pedro Alves, Sales Director Helexia Portugal

Interview published in Distribuição Hoje

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