Joper bets on clean energy for the environment and competitiveness

The Joper Group is a benchmark in the design, production and marketing of agricultural and industrial equipment.

photovoltaic plant joper


  • Self-consumption of clean energy and consequent reduction of energy costs and CO2 emissions in their production processes.
  • Stable energy prices over a 15-year contract, at a cost below the energy market value.
  • Implementation of the photovoltaic plant with full investment from Helexia, which gives Joper the financial availability for its core business.
  • Photovoltaic plant with premium monitoring and maintenance to ensure high production ratios.

The Joper Group is a benchmark in the design, production and marketing of agricultural and industrial equipment. This Portuguese company is committed to research and development in order to improve the efficiency and quality of the equipment it exports to more than 15 countries. Now it's doing it with clean energy. With Helexia, they have implemented a photovoltaic energy production system for self-consumption that already produces around 40% of their energy needs.

"Sustainability is not the future, it's already the present," says Jorge Pereira, chairman of the board of the Joper Group. With this in mind, the group decided to implement a rooftop photovoltaic plant with an output of 470 kWp.

Joper Group with clean energy

This plant will enable an estimated annual production of 773 MWh. A total of 870 panels have been installed, representing an investment by Helexia of around €400k for a 15-year contract, which will allow Joper to keep its budget focused on strategic investments and competitiveness in the markets where it operates.

In addition, it will guarantee stable and competitive energy prices throughout the contract, which for a company that exports a lot is crucial to maintain its attractiveness in the markets where it operates, namely Europe, Africa and America.

In this equation, economic data is very important, but so are environmental indicators. This partnership will enable Joper to use clean energy and consequently reduce CO2 in production processes, avoiding 363 tons/year of CO2.

"Joper belongs to an energy-intensive industry and we wanted to take this step with Helexia, not only to reduce costs, but also for the environment. And we want to continue extending self-consumption to other units and optimizing energy efficiency." - Says Marta Pereira, General Manager of the Joper Group.

Helexia and the metalworking sector

The metalworking industry is known for its complex processes, which require precision in the transformation of metal raw materials. This sector has a significant energy consumption due to the intensive use of machinery in operations. However, it also has great potential to reduce carbon emissions by implementing clean energy sources, energy efficiency measures and proper energy management.

In this sector, Helexia has already contributed to the production of 4 GWh of clean energy, bringing energy savings of over 100,000 euros to 3 of its clients in this sector (Joper, Tupai and Invepe) and avoiding a total of 2000 tons of CO2. This is a sector where there is a prospect of growth in terms of the number of clients and the volume of business.

Decarbonizing industry

Portugal has set itself the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. As industry is a major consumer of energy, a paradigm shift in the use of resources is emerging.

Decarbonization roadmaps are beginning to impact the industrial sector, helping to speed up the transition to a carbon-neutral economy. It's companies like the Joper Group that know the future has arrived and are contributing to this progress.

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